Thursday, October 29, 2009


I enjoy reading.  I really enjoy reading.  I've recently acknowledged that I read compulsively.  I read at home, at work and on the bus.  I read while eating, working, walking and driving.  It's not unusual for me to dream about reading.

Unfortunately, I don't exercise a lot of discretion about what I read.  I like to read books that are absorbing enough to transport me, that give me something interesting to think about, or provide a character that gives some insight.  I like quick reads and easy reads.  I'm much more likely to pick up something from the mystery section of the bookstore or library than I am to wander the literature section.

I've been using the library very heavily lately (I seem to read more when there are greater pressures at work and home), so I've decided it might be interesting to comment on my reading material.  I don't warrant that I will always provide reviews, but I will try to convey what I found interesting about a book, whether I would be inclined (or compelled) to pick up another book by the author, and my rationale for so doing.

For those of you who are interested in these thoughts and comments, welcome.  If any of you wish to make book suggestions, please do so, though I am notoriously bad for neglecting to read books which have been recommended. Nevertheless, I am always looking for suggestions, and will strive to overcome this literary perversity.

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