Friday, February 6, 2015

True Detective

My sister was kind enough to loan me her DVD series of True Detective.  Although I collect the Game of Thrones series on DVD, I don't have HBO or Netflix, so hadn't previously had any exposure to the show.  I recognize it's a show that's already aired, and that people should be able to disclose spoilers about it. Nevertheless, I seem to have avoided any and plan to try to continue to do so.

I am greatly enjoying it, and finding the potential mysteries fascinating.  I have just finished watching Episode Four of Season One, and she asked me whether I think he did it... referring, I believe, to the Matthew McConaughey character Rustin.

I had been wondering that very thing, so thought it might be helpful to me, to set my thoughts out in further detail.

Both Marty and Rustin are in interrogation rooms during the "interviews", and he's acting suspiciously no doubt.  He's carving up beer cans in the shapes of crosses and men, getting increasingly drunk and coming up with weird philosophies that sound like a serial killer.

But Martin Hart (Woody Harrelson) is also having some issues in the flashbacks and his emphasis on how important it is to be steady and stable highlight how instable he appears.  You can tell by the reactions of the other detectives in the unit that it's not just "domestic troubles" as usual for tv cops, they seem to think he's over the line. It's also interesting that he's not wearing a wedding band in the interviews but does in the flashbacks. I noticed that early on, but also noticed that the camera seemed to be trying to hide the fact in the flashbacks. Just a way of keeping the suspense about his marriage or something more sinister?

I do find it interesting that Rustin has a history in the narc unit with the same group this suspect Ladoux is working for. What I can't get around with him as a potential suspect though is that he's been in Texas up until three months before the Dorrie Lang murder, and the evidence seems pretty convincing that the disappearing kids and the first murder took place years before. Could he have done these in Louisiana while he was in Texas? I guess, no bar to it, but I think unlikely. I also think, as a serial killer, if that's what he is, that he'd have been doing similar killings in Texas.

So I don't think he did those prior killings. If he did one, it could only have been Dorrie Lang, and I'm doubtful about that as well. But he's got some apparent issues, and some real weird disconnects in his personality. Having a crucifix on the wall of his apartment while professing not to believe in religion is odd. The lack of furniture, the drug use, the not sleeping (particularly if that gives him an opportunity to have blackouts/breaks with reality during those "not sleeping" times). From his history with the death of his daughter and four years undercover, that could lead to some mental health issues.

I also find it odd, on for both Martin and Rustin, that they don't want to involve the task force and instead lone wolf the case. Makes sense from Rustin's personality, but Martin doesn't seem like the kind of guy to want that in the same way. I also thought it unusual that they got hints about a rich guy's satanic worshipping/adventure killing club that abducts children and just let that clue lie there without follow up. Yes, they had other things they were following up, but the governor formed a specific task force to deal with crimes against Christianity, and not only do they not follow up clues, they don't toss them to the force either. (e.g. the reverend who asked them who he should call about the dead cats nailed to his Church door and they didn't answer). Rustin's focussed on serial killer as the only motive. Martin's focussed on a personal connection to Dorrie Lang.

So if I was solving the mystery now, I'd say it's very suspicious that no one (including the current interrogators) can find out about Rustin's history from Texas (recall he said it was interesting that his files were still locked though it's now at least 14 years after he was an undercover). I'd say he's still undercover, and was probably undercover when he went into Louisiana, possibly intentionally placed as partner to Martin. I'd say his role isn't narc at all, but is tracking down abducted children/child sex rings and/or some kind of religious cult that abuses children, and he thinks someone inside the Louisiana State police is involved. It explains his lack of furniture (temporary undercover), and his weird religious views, to try to get on the inside of the ring, as well as his skills and detecting ability. It explains his interest in Martin trying to "save" the underage prostitute from the bunny ranch they go to (by making a down payment), while doing nothing to stop it or interfere (the ranch itself is noted as being under the protection of the local sheriff). It also explains Rustin looking at the various billboards for missing kids that are seen by the roadside while they're driving together, and the lack of interest the police and local sheriff's departments seem to have for abducted or missing children, and it seems like a logical approach for him... particularly if his daughter wasn't killed in a car accident, but was abducted or murdered.

I'd say he's still undercover now (at the time of the interview) and is closer to the cult/finding the mole inside the cops responsible for the missing kids. I have a hard time seeing Martin as being involved, because he does seem devoted to his kids, though I also think the fact one daughter is drawing pictures of sex in her school books and the other stages weird rape scenes with her dolls is an indication that there may be abuse going on there too. Rustin seems to take a fairly active role in trying to get Maggie and the kids out from under Martin's exclusive control.

In terms of the current murder (that the interrogators don't want to tell him about) I think it's not a copycat, so much as it's the cult still at work or back at work. I'd say they do this kind of staged type of kill when they find a mole or a snitch (or maybe some other weird reason).

The other thing I note, is that the opening sequence shows scenes of kids' playgrounds etc. but also a lot of shots of oil refineries, which otherwise seem unconnected to the story at all (other than the one rave at an oil refinery). I'd be guessing that the rich satanic cult or what-have-you includes the governor who formed the task force (and whose brother is high up in the State Police), and probably some of the oil barons or millionaires in the county. The Yellow King is probably a reference to the governor or (more likely) an oil refinery owner. I'm trying to recall if we've seen any "king oil" automotive shops and things. Again, lots of automotive repair shops shown in the background scenery.

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